Access to Opporunity

Innovating to promote access to quality education, healthcare and housing for all

We believe everyone deserves access to a good education, quality health care, opportunities to build wealth, and communities that are safe. These basic tenets are critical to fostering a sense of belonging for members of any community.

Featured Project

Honors College at Edward Waters University

Two rows of Edward Waters College honors students on staircase at the college, dressed in purple and orange

Since 2019, the duPont Fund has supported Edward Waters University (EWU) – a historically Black university in Jacksonville – with grants to establish and develop its Honors College. The grants have allowed EWU to create enhanced academic and experiential learning opportunities, and to build pathways to future opportunities for these students, This is in addition to our partnerships with EWU to support student services, fundraising programs, and more.

Featured Project

Market Value Analysis

Map of Jacksonville with colorful markings to indicate affordability levels

An analysis of Jacksonville’s “housing ecosystem” to help public officials and private actors more precisely target intervention strategies in weak markets and support sustainable growth in stronger markets. The report describes a “geography of opportunity'" demonstrating how the radius of the areas with affordable housing continued to constrict for households with lower incomes.

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Chief of Staff